763 comm regt national appeal for funds flyer

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Brochure 763cr funds 87 front.jpg
Brochure 763cr funds 87 back.jpg
This brochure/flyer was produced by 763 Communication Regiment to help generate funds for the 1987/88 training year. The picture on the front is of a band member wearing a strange mix of signals and highland dress (if anyone knows if this was ever worn for real, please let me know!) The English text of it reads:

763 (Ottawa) Communication Regiment is embarking on a national fund raising appeal to all former members, associates and friends of the Regiment, both individual and corporate. Our objectives are ambitious, with potential rewards that will affect recruiting, retention and the image and esprit of our community-oriented Regimental family.

The 1987/88 training year promises to be a most exciting and fulfilling period in the proud history of 763 (Ottawa) Communication Regiment. The series of events is intended to enhance the image and potential of the Regiment not only in the eyes of our Ottawa military family but, as well, the civic community in which the Regiment resides. These events include:

  • preparations for a move to a more modern armoury which will enhance our military and communications trades training capabilities as part of Canadian Forces Communication Command.
  • provision of a more suitable environment to prepare our younger members, indluding our affiliated Cadet units, for their citizenship responsibilities as active members of the community.
  • outfitting our recently acquired Highland pipe band in a unique communications-electronics oriented uniform.
  • preparations for the anticipated visit of our Branch Colonel-in-Chief, Princess Anne, in the fall of 1988.

These activities will obviously be costly. While public funds will be provided to cover some of the costs, considerable private support will be required if we are to be successful in carrying out our objectives with the quality and traditional style that has personified the Regiment over the years.

Please join with us by contributing to our efforts. Your tax deductible donations will automatically enroll you as a member of the 763 (Ottawa) Communications Regiment Association with more information to follow on the military and civic-oriented activities of the Association in the coming months.

Thank you

David W. Glastonbury
Commanding Officer