Royal Canadian Corps of Signals Book of Remembrance

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The Book of Remembrance was conceived by Major-General A.E. Wrinch CBE, CD in 1962. The following year, Brigadier-General E.D. Baldock MBE, EM, CD was commissioned by the Signals Corps Committee to complete the design, which included the calligraphy and the illumination of the manuscript. The making of the Book of Remembrance involved some 500 hours of drawing which started in October 1962 and was completed at the end of April 1963.

Executed as a gift to the Corps by Brigadier E.D. Baldock, MBE, EM, CD, the Book of Remembrance was dedicated on 22 September 1963 and placed on display in the Foyer of the Forde Building, Kingston. It resided at the School Headquarters until the new Museum was opened when, as part of the official opening ceremonies, the book was transfered to a special repository for it in a cabinet in the Memorial Room at the Museum.

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